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Kako uporabljati zobno nitko


How to use zobna nitka
1. Navadna zobna nitka
Ordinary dental floss is usually packed in a small round box with rollers. The dental floss is wrapped around the roller and can be easily pulled out during use, making it easier to carry at any time.First of all, pull out a piece of dental floss. The specific length is based on the feeling that you are suitable for use. Generally, the required length on the zobna nitkaškatla je predolga in velik del je zapravljen. Drugič, ovijte dva konca niti za stiskanje okoli kazalcev obeh rok. Če se vam zdi to moteče, lahko oba konca zobne nitke tudi neposredno stisnete s prsti, vendar je to enostavno zrahljati, le sledite svojim navadam. Tretjič,
stretch the crimping line with both hands, and then slowly put it into the gap between the teeth (you can slide it left and right and put it down), gently put it on the bottom of the gap, and then start to the direction of the teeth. After pulling out and removing impurities, then operate the other side of the tooth in the same procedure. In this way, it is repeatedly used between other teeth, and the used zobna nitkane bo ponovno uporabljen.
2. Floss with stick
Na majhno palico namesti majhno nitko. Ta vrsta nitke je bolj priročna za uporabo. Lahko se uporablja neposredno brez ovijanja na roko. Držite palico z eno roko in previdno vstavite konec z nitko med zobe. Lahko ga drsite levo in desno, ga nežno položite na dno zob, nato pa ga izvlečete ob strani zob in odstranite. Umazana snov spet zdrsne med zobmi in odstrani drugo stran. Nato po vrsti odstranite druge zobe. Dental Flossers
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